Monday, 25 November 2013

Line dance

Dance Term 4
We are learning to: express ourselves creatively through dance.

To be successful we need to:
Learn the specific steps to the dance
Keep in time to the music
Follow instructions
Try our best

Term 4 Music

WALT - create a piece of music using a 4-beat pattern.

We know we have done this when we can clap beat using symbols.

We can work with a partner to present a pattern to the class.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Discovery - Key Competencies

Key Competency: Thinking
How did use your Thinking skills today?
"I made a really good choice of programme."

CARE Values

You have made some sensible choices this term Nick. Keep it up!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Self Portraits

We are learning to draw self-portraits in the style of Matisse.
We will know we can do this when we can:
Use bold colours and patterns in a background
Draw a black line around the outside of self-portrait to emphasise colour
Include all facial features
Draw and correctly place all facial features
Begin to show other facial features such as eyelashes and earrings

Nicholas' Voice - "I like my art because I tried my best to make my art.  I like my  background because it's a little rainbow colour."   

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Topic -Venn Diagram

Change - Plants and Seeds

We are learning to understand that:
Scientists follow a specific process and ask questions that lead to investigations.
Plants need many things to move through the life cycle.

We will be able to:
Show the life cycle of a plant.
Label the parts of a plant.
Classify objects using a Venn diagram

We will know we can do this when we can:
Draw pictures that depict the life cycle of plants.
Understand and describe how plants make their own food from water, air (CO2) and sunlight (photosynthesis).
Sort and classify leaves into categories of our own making and independently represent these in a Venn diagram.

Nicholas said, "I learnt about plants and change.  I learnt plants have a life cycle.  I learnt to put different things into a Venn diagram.  I put smooth and soft leaves.  My next step is to put more things into a Venn Diagram and make it good."

Sunday, 16 June 2013


Narratives- Fractured Fairy tales

We are learning to write a fictional narrative by adapting a fairy tale.

We will know we can do this when we can..
Follow the Writing Process – planning, draft copy, editing and publishing
Have a title
Write three paragraphs: an Orientation, a Complication and a Resolution
Write in past tense
Use direct speech (dialogue)
Use onomatopoeia, questions and similes to create pictures with words and build suspense

Next Step: To publish my writing.

Nicholas said, "I learnt that I can use interesting words to make my story sound better.  Interesting words are words that paint pictures.  I learnt to put full stops and capital letters."

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Statistical Investigations

Statistical Investigations

WALT: collect data, construct a graph, and discuss the results.

Success Criteria:
I will know I can do this when I can:
·      Know what data is
·      Pose questions for investigation
·      Collect data
·      Use tally marks
·      Make a pictograph
·      Make a bar graph
·      Ask and answer questions about the graph

Nicholas was away for the week when we did  our statistical investigation  but he was here for the first part of the unit.  

Nicholas said, "I learnt to count how many things there were and write down the answer.  I learnt to do tally marks and draw pictures on a graph."

Friday, 7 June 2013


We are learning to recount events that happened in the past.

We know we can do this when we can:
·    Follow the Writing Process
·    Have a title
·    Write: an orientation telling when, who, what and where the event happened, a     sequence of events and a personal comment to conclude the recount
·    Use the past tense
·    Use a lot of different descriptive words to make our recount more interesting
·    Start my sentences in different ways

Next Step: To edit my work for full-stops and captial letters and to use my knowledge of letter sounds to help spell words.

Nicholas' Voice - "I learnt to use descriptive and similes to  make my writing really good like Year 4."

Nicholas and his Spooky Night
By Nicholas

It was a spooky dark night and the wind was howling like a woof howling at the moon. 
It was the spooky time of the night and the trees looked like they were reaching out to grab 
the moon.  The tree trunks were like big shadows trying to get me.  The branches were 
rustling in the wind.  The trees were reflecting the moon through the window and onto 
my wall like a spooky hand trying to get me.

A Really Cold Winter

By Nicholas

Have you ever woken up on a day that was so white that it looked like a piece of paper 
that no-one has drawn on? I stuck out my tongue to feel a piece of hail. It felt like a frosty bee 
stinging me on the tongue.  I walked down steps and I looked around me, all I could see was
white snow like a penguin's home. I reached out to grab a piece of hail and it felt like a 
snow leopard biting me on the tongue.

Conflict Unit

We are learning to understand that:
  • there are many perspectives and types of conflict
  • there are a variety of ways to deal with conflict
We will know we can do this when we can:
  • use several strategies to make an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict and know when and why to use them.
  • teach others to make an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict.
  • act as a role model for others to help them make an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict
  • seek feedback on how to improve making an \"I feel... when you...\" statement during conflict.
Nicholas' Voice - "I learnt that conflict is not very nice to do.  And I also learnt that it is important at school not to do conflict.  I can just use my WITS and seek help.  I can also say 'when you hurt my feeling I feel sad and what I want you to do is say sorry'."